2025 Dandelion Comics Residency
Presented by Lion’s Tooth in partnership with BearBear and MILK Comic Fest
Mentorship by Quinn Blackshere and Hannah Hallman
The Dandelion Comics Residency (established in 2022) is a juried program for cartoonists living in the Greater Milwaukee area. Our goal is to support the local comics community while promoting work produced here to well-respected professionals active in the industry today.
We are thrilled to introduce MORITZ JUNKER as our 2024/25 Dandelion artist-in-residence. Lion’s Tooth, MILK and BearBear will work with Moritz over the the next few months to produce an all-new mini comic, with mentorship by the amazing Milwaukee cartoonists Quinn Blackshere and Hannah Hallman 🔥🔥🔥
From Moritz’ application: “I’ve been making comics ever since I was a little kid. I think the best stories highlight that the saddest and scariest things in life are often the funniest and most interesting. I draw almost everything traditionally, and use the computer to add zipatone/touch stuff up. Life is good because I get to make comics.”
From Moritz’ application: “I’ve been making comics ever since I was a little kid. I think the best stories highlight that the saddest and scariest things in life are often the funniest and most interesting. I draw almost everything traditionally, and use the computer to add zipatone/touch stuff up. Life is good because I get to make comics.”
We had 21 applicants that once again reflected the diversity and quality of the work being produced in Milwaukee. This year's juror panel was composed of the following professionals:
We had 21 applicants that once again reflected the diversity and quality of the work being produced in Milwaukee. This year's juror panel was composed of the following professionals:
Representing fellow artists:
M. S. HARKNESS (Time Under Tension, Desperate Pleasures), an Ignatz-nominated cartoonist based in Columbus, Ohio. She has been featured on the New Yorker’s “Daily Shouts Page,” is a recipient of the Minnesota State Arts Board Visual Artist Grant, and occasionally teaches comics at the Columbus College of Art and Design
M. S. HARKNESS (Time Under Tension, Desperate Pleasures), an Ignatz-nominated cartoonist based in Columbus, Ohio. She has been featured on the New Yorker’s “Daily Shouts Page,” is a recipient of the Minnesota State Arts Board Visual Artist Grant, and occasionally teaches comics at the Columbus College of Art and Design
Representing publishers of comics:
ARI YARWOOD, managing editor of Silver Sprocket and an editor of award-winning comics and games. Silver Sprocket is an independent publisher championing socially conscious and independently produced comic books, graphic novels, and related arts
ARI YARWOOD, managing editor of Silver Sprocket and an editor of award-winning comics and games. Silver Sprocket is an independent publisher championing socially conscious and independently produced comic books, graphic novels, and related arts
Representing comics retailers:
GINA DAWSON and TOM MARQUET from Partners and Son, an independent bookstore and art space in Philadelphia. Founded in 2020, Partners and Son carries a unique assortment of comics, graphic novels, zines, anthologies, periodicals, and art books from indie presses.
GINA DAWSON and TOM MARQUET from Partners and Son, an independent bookstore and art space in Philadelphia. Founded in 2020, Partners and Son carries a unique assortment of comics, graphic novels, zines, anthologies, periodicals, and art books from indie presses.
Congrats to Moritz and a special shout out to the two runner-ups: Howl Hazebrook and Brooke Thompson.
Guidelines for the 2024/2025 cycle
Applications are now closed
Please check back! The 2026 cycle will open in Fall 2025
The 2024/2025 cycle of the Dandelion Comics Residency will feature one artist-in-residence to be chosen from an open pool of applicants by a jury of three industry professionals: one fellow cartoonist, one publisher and one retailer.
The one-month application period opened on Sunday, October 6, 2024, coinciding with the 2024 MILK Comic Fest at the Cooperage, and closed on Wednesday, November 6, 2024. The winner will be announced on Monday, December 10, 2024.
During the winter the artist-in-residence will work to produce an original mini comic, supported by regular mentorship and progress check meetings with Milwaukee cartoonists Quinn Blackshere and Hannah Hallman, and Lion’s Tooth co-owners Cris Siqueira and Shelly McClone-Carriere, including online and/or in-person events open to the public.
The Residency will produce a mini comic with risographed cover and/or promotional materials printed by BearBear.
The 2024/2025 cycle of the Dandelion Comics Residency will feature one artist-in-residence to be chosen from an open pool of applicants by a jury of three industry professionals: one fellow cartoonist, one publisher and one retailer.
The one-month application period opened on Sunday, October 6, 2024, coinciding with the 2024 MILK Comic Fest at the Cooperage, and closed on Wednesday, November 6, 2024. The winner will be announced on Monday, December 10, 2024.
During the winter the artist-in-residence will work to produce an original mini comic, supported by regular mentorship and progress check meetings with Milwaukee cartoonists Quinn Blackshere and Hannah Hallman, and Lion’s Tooth co-owners Cris Siqueira and Shelly McClone-Carriere, including online and/or in-person events open to the public.
The Residency will produce a mini comic with risographed cover and/or promotional materials printed by BearBear.
The artist-in-residence will receive:
The artist-in-residence will receive:
- A number (TBD) of copies of the first edition of the mini comic produced during the Residency, to be given away or sold/distributed as they see fit
- Constructive critique and mentorship on self-publishing and distribution through sessions with Milwaukee cartoonists Hannah Hallman (representing MILK) and Quinn Blackshere, and Lion’s Tooth owners Cris Siqueira and Shelly McClone-Carriere
- 10% discount in books, comics and zines purchased at Lion’s Tooth during the period of the Residency
- Option to share a table with Lion’s Tooth at the 2025 MILK Comic Fest
- Opportunity to have their work seen by a jury of comics industry professionals. Though the initial review will be anonymous, once the winner is chosen the jurors will receive the names and basic contact information of all applicants
About the mini comic produced during the Residency
The artist-in-residence will be asked to produce an original mini comic from beginning to end during the period of the Residency. This may be part of a larger project, but the piece must be self-contained, meaning readers shouldn’t need any additional context to enjoy it. The project must also be small enough to be completed in three months: a good analogy is a story in a comics anthology, but that exists as a separate booklet.
The artist will receive copies of the first edition of the mini comic produced during the Residency, which they will be free to give away or sell after the official release. The three Residency jurors will also receive copies of the mini comic. The remaining copies will be sold by Lion’s Tooth online, at the store or during other events. They may also be distributed along with Lion’s Tooth book and graphic novel subscriptions or sent to industry professionals. All proceeds will benefit Lion's Tooth comics programming.
The artist will retain all rights to the work and the Residency organizers will not be allowed to make new copies of the mini comic without their authorization.
The artist-in-residence will be asked to produce an original mini comic from beginning to end during the period of the Residency. This may be part of a larger project, but the piece must be self-contained, meaning readers shouldn’t need any additional context to enjoy it. The project must also be small enough to be completed in three months: a good analogy is a story in a comics anthology, but that exists as a separate booklet.
The artist will receive copies of the first edition of the mini comic produced during the Residency, which they will be free to give away or sell after the official release. The three Residency jurors will also receive copies of the mini comic. The remaining copies will be sold by Lion’s Tooth online, at the store or during other events. They may also be distributed along with Lion’s Tooth book and graphic novel subscriptions or sent to industry professionals. All proceeds will benefit Lion's Tooth comics programming.
The artist will retain all rights to the work and the Residency organizers will not be allowed to make new copies of the mini comic without their authorization.
All applicants must:
All applicants must:
- Be committed to comics as artistic expression. The Residency will consider both emerging and established cartoonists
- Produce comics/sequential art during the residency (i.e. no text, illustration or photography zines)
- Be the sole originator of the work in the application samples and produced during the Residency (writing and drawing their own original comics, no team collabs or writer/illustrator partnerships)
- Currently reside in the Milwaukee metropolitan area (Milwaukee, Waukesha, Ozaukee or Washington counties)
- Be able to attend progress check meetings and events at Lion's Tooth during the Residency months (January to March 2025)
Applications now closed. Applicants were asked to fill out this online form to apply between Sunday, October 6, 2024 and Wednesday, November 6, 2024. No late applications were accepted.
In the form applicants are asked to:
Important: The applications are reviewed anonymously. Applicants are disqualified if they include information identifying themselves in the work samples or artist statement. Please don’t reveal your name in the artist statement and omit or blur any mention of it in the images, including your signature.
Applications now closed. Applicants were asked to fill out this online form to apply between Sunday, October 6, 2024 and Wednesday, November 6, 2024. No late applications were accepted.
In the form applicants are asked to:
- Provide basic contact information
- Answer eligibility questions
- Upload 3-5 work samples. These should be JPG or PDF images saved at 72 ppi (max. size = 10 MB each). At least one of the samples must be a comic or illustrated sequential narrative. Please don’t include more than one piece or page per file. The applicant must be the sole originator of the art: no team collaborations or writer/illustrator partnerships accepted
- Provide a brief artist statement with no more than 1000 characters. This will be entered into a text box on the form. Your statement can be anything you want. It may contextualize your work samples, describe your relationship to making comics (even if you’re just starting) or how you believe the Residency will help advance your practice as a cartoonist. You don’t need to include plans for the work you will produce during the Residency, but are welcome to give a general idea of what kind of comics you want to make in the future
Important: The applications are reviewed anonymously. Applicants are disqualified if they include information identifying themselves in the work samples or artist statement. Please don’t reveal your name in the artist statement and omit or blur any mention of it in the images, including your signature.
The Dandelion artist-in-residence will be selected by three comics professionals working outside the greater Milwaukee area, and consisting of one established cartoonist, one publisher and one comics retailer. The idea is to expose the work of all participants to active members of the industry and provide the jurors with a showcase of the comics community in Milwaukee.
The identity of our jurors will be kept confidential until the chosen artist-in-residence is announced.
The Dandelion artist-in-residence will be selected by three comics professionals working outside the greater Milwaukee area, and consisting of one established cartoonist, one publisher and one comics retailer. The idea is to expose the work of all participants to active members of the industry and provide the jurors with a showcase of the comics community in Milwaukee.
The identity of our jurors will be kept confidential until the chosen artist-in-residence is announced.
The applicants will be judged mostly on the quality of their work samples, but other aspects expressed by their artist statements may be taken into consideration, such as commitment to the comics media, perceived ability to complete a mini comic during the period of the Residency and impact this experience will have on their practice.
The jurors will receive a digital package with anonymous and numbered applications and be asked to rate them using a five-point scale on an online form. They will have the choice to provide feedback to the artists, but this isn’t expected or mandatory. Any such feedback will be passed on to the applicants once the selection process is concluded.
Once the jurors fill out the rating forms, the Residency team will compile the results. If there is a tie the Residency team (Lion's Tooth, Quinn Blackshere, Hannah Hallman and BearBear) will vote on the best-rated applications to choose the winner and two runner-ups.
Once the artist-in-residence and runner-ups are announced, the identity of the jurors will be revealed to the public. The jurors will also receive a new PDF file with the name and basic contact info of all applicants and a copy of the mini comic produced by the artist-in-residence.
The applicants will be judged mostly on the quality of their work samples, but other aspects expressed by their artist statements may be taken into consideration, such as commitment to the comics media, perceived ability to complete a mini comic during the period of the Residency and impact this experience will have on their practice.
The jurors will receive a digital package with anonymous and numbered applications and be asked to rate them using a five-point scale on an online form. They will have the choice to provide feedback to the artists, but this isn’t expected or mandatory. Any such feedback will be passed on to the applicants once the selection process is concluded.
Once the jurors fill out the rating forms, the Residency team will compile the results. If there is a tie the Residency team (Lion's Tooth, Quinn Blackshere, Hannah Hallman and BearBear) will vote on the best-rated applications to choose the winner and two runner-ups.
Once the artist-in-residence and runner-ups are announced, the identity of the jurors will be revealed to the public. The jurors will also receive a new PDF file with the name and basic contact info of all applicants and a copy of the mini comic produced by the artist-in-residence.
Sunday October 6 2024
The application form goes live at midnight
Official launch of the 2024/2025 cycle of the Dandelion Comics Residency at MILK
Start of the 1-month application period
Wednesday November 6 2024
Final deadline to apply
The application form is taken offline at midnight
Friday November 8 2024
Qualifying applications are sent to the jury
Monday December 2 2024
Jury deadline to deliver 1-5 ratings for the applications
Monday December 10 2024
Notification emails sent to participants who were not chosen
The artist-in-residence and two runner ups are announced to the public, as well as the identity of the jurors
January to March 2025
The mentorship team works together with the artist-in-residence to establish a schedule of progress check meetings and events at Lion’s Tooth and/or online
April 2025
The resident cartoonist delivers the comic for production
May 2025
The comic is launched at an event at Lion's Tooth and made available to the public
2025 MILK Comic Fest
The artist-in-residence has the choice to share a table with Lion’s Tooth at MILK Comic Fest
Official launch of the 2025/2026 cycle of the Dandelion Comics Residency
Sunday October 6 2024
The application form goes live at midnight
Official launch of the 2024/2025 cycle of the Dandelion Comics Residency at MILK
Start of the 1-month application period
Wednesday November 6 2024
Final deadline to apply
The application form is taken offline at midnight
Friday November 8 2024
Qualifying applications are sent to the jury
Monday December 2 2024
Jury deadline to deliver 1-5 ratings for the applications
Monday December 10 2024
Notification emails sent to participants who were not chosen
The artist-in-residence and two runner ups are announced to the public, as well as the identity of the jurors
January to March 2025
The mentorship team works together with the artist-in-residence to establish a schedule of progress check meetings and events at Lion’s Tooth and/or online
April 2025
The resident cartoonist delivers the comic for production
May 2025
The comic is launched at an event at Lion's Tooth and made available to the public
2025 MILK Comic Fest
The artist-in-residence has the choice to share a table with Lion’s Tooth at MILK Comic Fest
Official launch of the 2025/2026 cycle of the Dandelion Comics Residency
After graduating with a degree in fine arts from Carroll University, and beginning the process of showing my work locally and beyond, I took a hard turn down the path untaken. Within the past few years, I have finished homeschooling the last of my two children. Making art always remained a part of my daily life, and drawings and paintings often occupied precious spared moments. However, for the past sixteen years, I too have gone back to school. Back to basics. Back to familiar things now seen with older eyes— following my students down roads of interest and finding a few new ones of my own along the way. I suppose the varied subjects and interests depicted in my work were born from these amazing years.
After graduating with a degree in fine arts from Carroll University, and beginning the process of showing my work locally and beyond, I took a hard turn down the path untaken. Within the past few years, I have finished homeschooling the last of my two children. Making art always remained a part of my daily life, and drawings and paintings often occupied precious spared moments. However, for the past sixteen years, I too have gone back to school. Back to basics. Back to familiar things now seen with older eyes— following my students down roads of interest and finding a few new ones of my own along the way. I suppose the varied subjects and interests depicted in my work were born from these amazing years.
We had 20 applicants reflecting the diversity and high quality of the work coming from Milwaukee. The 2023/24 juror panel was composed of the following comics professionals:
We had 20 applicants reflecting the diversity and high quality of the work coming from Milwaukee. The 2023/24 juror panel was composed of the following comics professionals:
Representing fellow artists - MEGAN KELSO (Girlhero, Who Will Make the Pancakes?) is an acclaimed twice Ignatz winning and Harvey-nominated cartoonist.
Representing publishers of comics - PEGGY BURNS is president & publisher of the world–renowned Montreal-based graphic novel publishing house Drawn & Quarterly.
Representing comics retailers - ALAIN PARK and ASHLEY TOWNE are co-owners of HOWLING PAGES, an independent bookstore in Chicago specializing in graphic novels, indie comics and printed art.
The choice was unanimous, so the Dandelion Residency team did NOT need to vote to resolve a tie. We can only offer this opportunity to one person, but we would like to congratulate the two runner-ups: Ira Erickson and Adrian Morin.
And THANK YOU to all applicants! Please consider Lion's Tooth a home for your comics.
Our 2022/23 Dandelion artist-in-residence was Casey "KC" Harrison AKA DARK AGE online 🔥
From their application: "My body of work consists primarily of printmaking: often narrative; always illustrative and symbolic. The stories are what move me; the illustrations draw in the reader. In this way they are symbiotic; and these passions are what brought me to the Dandelion Residency."
How a Flower is Born is the very first mini comic completed as part of the Dandelion Residency, produced by our Artist-in-Residence Casey "KC" Harrison. It is an imaginative and poetic story told in a meticulously planned 12-page booklet bound by hand by KC, including translucent vellum pages and a 3-color riso cover printed by BearBear.
We had 31 applicants that were rated by a DREAM TEAM panel of industry professionals, representing a fellow cartoonist, publisher and retailer:
We had 31 applicants that were rated by a DREAM TEAM panel of industry professionals, representing a fellow cartoonist, publisher and retailer:
JOHN PORCELLINO has been making comics for over thirty years. His celebrated self-published series King-Cat Comics has inspired a generation of cartoonists since it began 1989 and has been translated into multiple languages. He lives in Beloit, WI.
ERIC REYNOLDS is the VP and Associate Publisher of Fantagraphics Books (as well as excellent cartoonist and artist). He has curated well over 4,000 pages of comics anthologies and lives in Seattle, WA, with his wife and daughter.
LIZ MASON is manager and curator of Quimby’s Bookstore, home of wild and weird reading material in Chicago, where she has worked since 2001. Liz is also a prolific zinester and has been self-publishing for over twenty years.
The choice was unanimous, so the Dandelion Residency team did NOT need to vote to resolve a tie. We can only offer this opportunity to only one person, but we're working on other ways to promote comics made in Milwaukee. Meanwhile we would like to congratulate the two runner-ups: Kevin McCarthy and Jasper Bellerose.
And THANK YOU to all applicants for taking a chance with the Residency, especially this being our very first year. We know comics are a labor of love, and we are so glad you have chosen to use your talent to produce work in our favorite art form.
Contact us here or at [email protected]
2421 S Kinnickinnic Ave, Milwaukee WI 53207
(414) 455.3498 | Contact Us [email protected] OPEN EVERY DAY IN DECEMBER with expanded hours: Dec 17 and 18 11-6 | Dec 19 and 20 11-7 | Dec 21 10-7 | Dec 22 10-6 | Dec 23 11-6 | Dec 24 10-5 | Dec 25 9-NOON | Jan 1 CLOSED |
Lion's Tooth LLC, all rights reserved